Divine Inspirations by Mary Josephine Hession




"The Long Sleep"




The Long Sleep 

Sleeping in Infinity
'till Love doth take her hand 
A sacred kiss will waken her
To live in promised land 

She slumbers soft and dreams of Love 
Cocooned in vibrant Light 
Cascading petals cover her 
Protect her from cold night

She awaits the warmth of Love 
To bring her back to earth 
Her Spirit dances in the stars 
Awaiting new re-birth 

The Life Force that she knows and loves 
Doth live within her Soul 
Omnipresent Love Divine 
Her Spirit doth console 

Her consort pure white Holy Dove 
Doth fly with her as One 
Together through eternity 
They dance around the Sun 

In sacred trance above the earth 
Detached from winter's sleep
Where all is peace & harmony 
Their sacred vows they keep 

And so she quietly slumbers on 
Awaiting Love's return 
When she will bathe once more in Light 
For which her Soul doth yearn 

Mary Josephine Hession

with love & gratitude to Christophe Vacher 
for the use of his beautiful painting!